ベルミロ・ジョゼ・マラテ 閣下


Dear Mr. Wataru Hasegawa

President of Kyoto Computer Gakuin and The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics

I would like to convey my warmest congratulation for the 50th anniversary of Kyoto Computer Gakuin, and for the 10th anniversary of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics. I admire Kyoto Computer Gakuin for the longest history of computer education in Japan. Since its birth, KCG has been playing an important role to the world. For example, KCG supported by JICA, established a new concept school, Mozambique ICT Institute called MICTI in capital city of Maputo. There are a lot of demands of human resources that requires more about ICT today in specially in Mozambique. The graduates from MICTI will contribute to the development of Mozambique’s society.

I also admire The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, the first IT professional graduate school in Japan, for being ranked No.1 in the category of the fastest growing university in Japan by the Toyo Economics magazine. Our world may not abandon ICT in the future, so, the school such as KCG and KCGI have a role to grow students who will become leaders of ICT in the future. The world will become smaller with the help of ICT and by the people who graduate from KCG and KCGI.

Congratulations once more for the 50th and 10th anniversary, I wish you a prosperous future.

Belmiro Jose Malate


京都コンピュータ学院・京都情報大学院大学 統括理事長 長谷川 亘 様







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