Friends and colleagues in Kyoto, greetings from Rochester Institute of Technology.
We’re proud to be part of your celebration, and even more proud to count KCG – the oldest private computer institute in Japan and The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics – among our educational partners.
Next year, Rochester Institute of Technology – RIT – will celebrate its 185th anniversary. Founded in 1829, RIT is a privately endowed, coeducational university with nine colleges, including the National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
Our 15,000 undergraduate and nearly 2,900 graduate students come from all 50 United States and more than 100 countries, and are engaged in learning programs that emphasize career education, experiential learning and innovation.
We often refer to RIT as a place where the left brain and right brain collide. And by that, we mean that while some of our students are engaged in scientific and technology study and research at the highest levels, others are also practitioners in the fine arts.
In May, RIT conferred some 3,500 undergraduate and graduate degrees. We have more than 110,000 alumni worldwide, including many who have come to RIT through our partnership.
Since signing our sister school agreement in 1996, KCG has sent more than 230 students for the “KCG summer workshop at RIT.” KCG and KCGI have sent 38 students to RIT for masters’ degrees in information technology, including Daisuke Asano, who in 2001 became the first student to receive an RIT master’s degree in information technology through our partnership with you.
Currently, two of your students are enrolled in our B. Thomas Golisano College of Computer and Information Sciences, RIT’s second largest college in terms of enrollment.
Yoshihiro Nozaki, who received his master’s degree from RIT, is now pursuing his Ph.D, and Yilong Ma is working toward a master’s of science degree.
RIT, KCG and The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics share a mission of collaboration toward academic excellence. We are proud of our partnership, and look forward to a long and productive relationship between our schools.
William W. Destler
Rochester Institute of Technology
来年, RITは創立185周年を迎えます。1829年に創設されたRITは,国立聾工科大学を含む九つのカレッジを擁する男女共学の私立大学です。
総長 ウィリアム・デストラー