ホルヘ・L・ディアズ・エレーラ 様


Dear President Hasegawa,

On behalf of everyone at Keuka College, congratulations on the 50th anniversary of Kyoto Computer Gakuin (KCG) and the 10th anniversary of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics (KCGI).

In 1963, computers were rare, but Yasuko and Shigeo Hasegawa were visionary thinkers who envisioned a need for a private computer educational institution that would provide the talent to drive Japan’s economic engine into the future. Today, thousands of KCG alumni are meeting the demands of Japan’s information industry while students keep pace with the ever-changing computer technology field thanks to your innovative curriculum and world-class faculty.

I also want to congratulate you on the educational partnerships you have cultivated, particularly the one with Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

As the former dean of the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences at RIT, I took great pride in this partnership, not only for its educational value but also for the way it helped close the cultural gap between American and Japanese students.

Unfortunately, I can’t be there to celebrate with you but rest assured, I will be thinking of you and your family as you mark these impressive milestones.


Prof. Jorge L. Diaz-Herrera, Ph.D.
Keuka College


統括理事長 長谷川 亘 様



貴学が開拓した数ある教育提携校の中で,特にアメリカ・ロチェスター工科大学(RIT)との姉妹校提携についてもお祝いの言葉を述べたいと思います。私はRITのB. トーマス・ガリサノコンピュータ情報科学カレッジの前学長として,このパートナーシップには教育的価値だけでなく,日米両国の学生の文化的なギャップを埋める役割があると自負していました。


学長 ホルヘ・L・ディアズ・エレーラ