29 May, 2013
Dear President Yasuko Hasegawa, dear President Wataru Hasegawa,
On behalf of the University of Pardubice it is my pleasure to congratulate the Kyoto Computer Gakuin for its 50th anniversary and the Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics for its 10th anniversary. It is of a big importance to commemorate such moments in our academic life and institutions.
Clear vision together with endurance of your university is of a great example. We are very glad for such a fruitful cooperation with your institution, and we are very honored that together, we were one of the first in the world to hold an online signing ceremony exchanging agreements between our universities.
We are looking forward to continue in our mutual cooperation, and wish you the very best in fulfilling your visions for the future.
With warmest wishes I remain,
Pro. Miroslav Ludwig
パルドゥビッツェ大学を代表して,京都コンピュータ学院創立50周年ならびに京都情報大学院大学創立10周年を心からお慶び申しあげます。 わが校や教育にとっても,このような素晴らしい年をお祝いすることは大変重要なことであります。
学長 ミロスラブ・ルドヴィッヒ