


60周年記念式典 学長謝辞

学長 富田 眞治




京都コンピュータ学院創立の1963年は,汎用メインフレームコンピュータIBM360の発表よりも1年前,また,京都大学や大阪大学など日本の四つの国立大学に情報を専門とする学科が創設されたのが1970年でございますから7年も前になります。本学の創立には,コンピュータが未来社会を一大変革するという先見の明があり,コンピュータ教育を進める上での確たる教育哲学とパイオニア精神がございました。これらは創立期からこれまで脈々と流れております。また,いろいろな場面で実現をされてきております。一例を挙げますと,アジア圏を中心とした多数の大学や欧米の大学との国際教育ネットワークの実現,開発途上国へのコンピュータの寄贈と教育支援事業,応用情報技術の専門職大学院である京都情報大学院大学の創設とその飛躍的な発展,インターネットにおける .eduドメインの取得や .kyotoドメインの運用開始,「一般社団法人日本IT団体連盟」での産業界との連携とその中核的な役割の遂行,など枚挙にいとまがありません。

60周年記念式典 学長謝辞

2005年にレイ・カーツワイルは,シンギュラリティ(技術的特異点)が2045年に到来し,人間より賢い,意識を持つ人工知能AIが出現して人間の大半の仕事が無くなると予測をし,大変物議を醸しました。さらに昨年Chat GPTなどの生成AIが利用可能になると,国連安全保障理事会でグテーレス事務総長が「人類存亡のリスク」に言及し,世界共通のルールの作成を訴えたりしました。






Shinji Tomita, President
The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the many guests who has attended today's commemorative ceremonies for the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Kyoto Computer Gakuin and the 20th anniversary of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics. I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our graduates, alumni, current students, and everyone involved. It is with all of you who have sympathized with our philosophy and have supported us, that we are able to see successes and grow as an institution.

60周年記念式典 学長謝辞

Kyoto Computer Gakuin was founded in 1963. Around the time that my mentor, Professor Hiroshi Hagiwara, started studying information engineering at Kyoto University, a private school called Kyoto Computer Academy was established next to the university. Professor Hagiwara later became the first president of our university, Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics. I can't help but feel the deep connection between Kyoto University, Professor Hagiwara, and our university.

I have been working at our university for the past 6 years, and since about 50 years ago when I was hired as an assistant in the Hagiwara laboratory, I had been aware of Kyoto Computer Gakuin, as a unique school unlike national universities.

Kyoto Computer Gakuin was founded in 1963, one year before the announcement of the mainframe computer IBM 360, and in seven years prior to departments specializing in information technology were established at Japan's four national universities, including Kyoto University and Osaka University, in 1970. The founders of our university had the foresight to foresee that computers would revolutionize society in the future, and they had a solid educational philosophy and pioneering spirit in the advancement of computer education. These goals have continued since our establishment and are being realized to this date. Examples include the international educational network with many universities in Asia as well as universities in Europe and America, donating computers and educational support projects to developing countries, the establishment and dramatic successes of The Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics, the acquisition of the .edu domain and start and operation of the .kyoto domain, collaborating with the Japan Federation of IT Organization, and much more.

In 2005, Ray Kurzweil predicted that the Singularity (technological singularity) would arrive in 2045, when artificial intelligence (AI) with consciousness and smarter than humans would emerge, and most jobs for humans would disappear. It was very controversial. Furthermore, last year, when generative AI such as Chat GPT became available, Secretary General Antonio Guterres spoke at the United Nations Security Council about the “risk for the survival of humanity” and called for the creation of common guidelines around the world.

Although generative AI is highly convenient, there are many problems that need to be resolved, but I believe that we are entering a new era in which artificial intelligence will become a core technology. Students need an education that cultivates the ability to survive in a new era more proactively, by thinking for themselves and coming up with original ideas to solve various problems.

Throughout our 60-year history, we have received warm support from many people. In closing, I would like to once again express my gratitude to everyone who is here today and everyone involved, and I sincerely ask for your continued guidance and support. Thank you very much for your attendance today.
